Know Your Kratom: Strains, Sources, and Quality

In just a few short years, kratom has become something of a national phenomenon. Despite that growing popularity, most people, even many among those who use kratom, don’t know that much about it. Many are unaware, for instance, that different strains of kratom produce different effects. Gold Bali kratom and Gold Maeng Da kratom, for instance, produce distinct experiences. As important as kratom is to so many, learning more about it is certainly worthwhile. Curious about kratom? Read on, friend!

Green Bali

Kratom: What Is It?

Kratom is the name given to the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, native to Southeast Asia. While the apparent benefits and effects of the herb have been known for centuries in the region, it has only recently gained wider recognition and attention in Europe and the United States. Kratom’s advocates swear by its effectiveness for everything from lifting their mood and amplifying energy to relieving discomfort and promoting sleep. It’s well-loved for a reason!

Kratom Strains Are Not the Same

That said, what you’ll experience is largely determined by the strain of kratom taken (as well as quality—but more on that in a minute!). Kratom strains are often categorized according to their place on a spectrum of “slow,” “moderate,” or “fast” effects. Let’s break it down!

A slow strain, like Green Bali, is utilized more for relief of discomfort, supporting sleep, and relaxation.

A moderate strain, like Red Indo, is considered a balanced combination of the slow and fast strains.

A fast strain, like Gold Maeng Da (and most other Maeng Da strains), is touted for increasing energy and promoting socialization.

Kratom Quality Makes a Difference

Like any other commodity, the quality of the kratom is an important consideration. The fineness of the kratom powder is a good indication of quality. High-quality kratom has a fluffier consistency, comparable to powdered sugar. Grittier, coarser powder indicates a lower-quality product. Unfortunately, determining kratom’s quality level can be difficult when it’s picked up from a gas station, smoke shop, or “head” shop. Sourcing kratom from a reliable, quality-conscientious vendor should, therefore, be a priority.

Kratom Sourcing as a Priority

The most effective way to find a trustworthy provider of high-quality kratom is to seek them out online. A dependable indication of a provider’s commitment to offering first-rate kratom is compliance with the American Kratom Association’s (AKA) Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. Compliance with the AKA’s GMP requirements is voluntary and demonstrates a willingness on the part of the vendor to go above and beyond to provide quality, safe kratom of a superior grade.By looking online you can understand the values of the business and any testing they take to ensure a safe, quality product. The right business will be so passionate about offering quality kratom that they’ll have it tested, retested, and may even enjoy it themselves!

About Happy Hippo

Happy Hippo was founded in 2013 to provide people access to safe, pure, high-quality kratom. In just the past two years, the business has grown a lot, moving from a basement to a full office now supported by a warehouse as well as a packaging and manufacturing laboratory that is American Kratom Association (AKA) accredited. Happy Hippo has found such success by providing only the finest quality kratom from a carefully selected, small Indonesian farm. Happy Hippo kratom is only sourced from mature kratom trees, which improves quality, and undergoes testing, retesting, and sterilization. The result is the finest, highest-quality kratom from their AKA-accredited facility. It’s a product that the Happy Hippo team not only stands by, but also uses themselves. When you want to buy Red Vein or Gold Bali kratom, or any of a variety of other kratom strains, look for Puddles, the Happy Hippo!

Experience kratom the way it should be, the Happy Hippo way, at


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