4 Suggestions and Tips on How to Take Kratom

Whether it’s for an energy boost, relief of discomfort, or just kicking back and getting chill, the popularity of kratom has surged in the past few years. That explosion of interest has inspired a lot of curiosity from those who haven’t tried it but would like to give it a shot. However, information on how to take kratom, when to take it, the right serving size, and so on isn’t always easy to find. If you’re curious about giving kratom a chance but you aren’t quite sure how to go about it, read on!

Buy Kratom

Why You Should Buy Kratom Online

Before you take kratom, you should have the best kratom. Buying it from a sketchy display in a gas station or smoke shop is not a great plan. Its source is generally unclear and its quality unknown. As a rule, it’s best not to gamble with kratom. Buy your kratom online from a vendor with an American Kratom Association (AKA) accredited facility, and one which provides a lot of information about their strains and the source of their leaves.

What to Know About Serving Size

Determining your specific serving size depends on a number of factors, including your size, the desired effect, how recently you’ve eaten, and more. There’s too much detail to cover here. However, AKA-accredited vendor Happy Hippo is not only an excellent place to buy kratom online, but they’ve also created and posted a handy serving size chart on their blog. Look that up for detailed info on kratom servings and a lot more.

When to Take Kratom

The consensus among those who know kratom best is that it’s best to take on an empty stomach. Many prefer a first-thing-in-the-morning serving when both stomach and mind are clear. Taking kratom with food or soon after eating is certainly no problem but may require a slightly higher serving.

Whether to Choose Kratom Capsules or Powder

Whether you choose to buy kratom capsules or powder is purely a matter of personal preference. Capsules are convenient and require no measurement or preparation to take. They can take longer to have an effect, and serving size can’t be measured out as precisely as powder, however. For those who do go for the powder, there are a few different ways it’s consumed.

● Hot tea is perhaps the most common method of powder ingestion. The tea can be flavored (or not) with lemon, honey, or really, whatever you want to flavor it with. Just stir the appropriate serving into hot water and voila!

● Juice or a smoothie with a kratom kicker is also popular.

● Kratom powder can be added to a few ounces of water, shaken vigorously to mix, and swallowed in a gulp.

● Just throwing back the powder and washing it down with a drink is possible but not recommended. High-quality kratom has a fine consistency like powdered sugar. Inhaling some of it while attempting to swallow is a recipe for coughing.

About Happy Hippo

Since being founded in 2013, Happy Hippo has been dedicated to providing people with safe, pure, high-quality kratom. The past two years have seen Happy Hippo move their business from a basement headquarters to a full office, a processing and manufacturing laboratory accredited by the American Kratom Association (AKA), and a warehouse. Happy Hippo’s success is due to their insistence on sourcing the highest quality kratom from small Indonesian farms. Happy Hippo ensures that level of quality by only sourcing kratom from mature trees, along with their thorough testing, retesting, and sterilization process. The Happy Hippo team not only stands by their kratom selection; they enjoy it themselves. Whether you’re looking for a strain like Green Malay, Red Maeng Da, or any of their many other varieties, when you want to buy kratom powder or buy kratom capsules online just look for Puddles, the Happy Hippo!

Experience everything that kratom can be from the Happy Hippo, at Happyhippoherbals.com


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