5 Tips for Giving Kratom Another Chance If You Tried It and Didn’t Feel It

Maybe you wanted to try kratom because you’d heard people rave about it providing an energy boost, relief of discomfort, or just for a nice, soft chill. Whatever reason someone has for giving kratom a go, it can be disappointing when there’s no noticeable effect. If that has been your experience, don’t write kratom off just yet. There is any number of reasons the experience may have been underwhelming, but the most likely include that you didn’t try high-quality kratom, or you were given poor information. Something as simple as choosing to order kratom online or trying the right strain could make all the difference. 

Order Kratom Online
 Kratom Quality Matters

If you bought your kratom from one of those displays in a gas station or smoke shop, that could definitely be the issue. Unfortunately, the source and quality level of kratom from those sources are virtually always unknown. Find an online kratom vendor equipped with an American Kratom Association (AKA) accredited lab facility. Ensure that the vendor emphasizes sourcing their kratom leaves from mature Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) trees, preferably from a small farm.

Serving Size Has an Effect

Once you have sourced your high-quality kratom online, figuring out serving size is important. The “right” serving size depends on a great number of variables, including your size and weight, the intended effect, when you’ve eaten last, and a lot more. It’s too much info to cover here. Instead, check out a company called Happy Hippo. In addition to being an online kratom vendor that offers exceptionally high-quality kratom, they have a detailed serving size chart available on their blog.

Eating or Not Makes a Difference

The prevailing wisdom among its consumers and advocates is that kratom should be taken on an empty stomach for best results. Many prefer to have a serving the first thing in the morning. There’s certainly nothing wrong with taking kratom along with a meal or soon after eating, but it may require a slightly larger serving size to compensate.

Strain Variation Counts

Different strains of kratom have different effects. “Fast” strains are known for an energizing invigoration and pro-social mindset, while “slow” strains are preferred for relief of discomfort or optimizing one’s chill. If you were expecting a pleasant jolt of amplified energy and took a slow strain or vice versa, an effect that was opposite of the one you expected could occur.

Tolerance Can Build

Finally, if you have taken and appreciated kratom for a while but find that it no longer feels like it used to, there’s a decent chance that you have developed a tolerance. The solution to tackling tolerance is rotating strains. Every strain has a unique alkaloid profile, so switching between strains can help maintain the effectiveness of each.

About Happy Hippo

Since being founded in 2013, Happy Hippo has been dedicated to providing people with safe, pure, high-quality kratom. The past two years have seen Happy Hippo move their business from a basement headquarters to a full office, a processing and manufacturing laboratory accredited by the American Kratom Association (AKA), and a warehouse. Happy Hippo’s success is due to their insistence on sourcing the highest quality kratom from small Indonesian farms. Happy Hippo ensures that level of quality by only sourcing kratom from mature trees, along with their thorough testing, retesting, and sterilization process. The Happy Hippo team not only stands by their kratom selection; they enjoy it themselves. Whether you’re looking for a strain like Green Malay, Maeng Da kratom capsules, or any of their many other varieties, when you want to buy kratom powder or buy kratom capsules online just look for Puddles, the Happy Hippo!

Give kratom a second chance with the Happy Hippo, at Happyhippoherbals.com


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