All Kratom Is Not Created Equal—What You Need to Know

Despite kratom’s skyrocketing popularity and the many consumers and advocates who cite an impressive variety of benefits it provides, there are still some fairly common misconceptions about it. One of the more prevalent, and most inaccurate, of those claims is that “all kratom is created equal—whether you make your kratom buy online from a reputable vendor or pick it up from a gas station, you’re pretty much getting the same thing.” Nothing could be further from the truth. What kratom does, its quality level, its source, and more can vary considerably.

Kratom Buy Online

Kratom Doesn’t Just Do One Thing

Maybe you’ve read something online or heard something from a clerk at a smoke shop or gas station to the effect, “kratom is great for relaxing.” While it’s certainly true that there are a number of kratom strains that can’t be beat for kicking back and relaxing, that is hardly all it does. Kratom is generally separated into three classes—“slow,” “moderate,” and “fast.” Slow classes are the ones that are excellent for relaxing. Fast strains, however, are known for amplifying energy and vibrant enthusiasm. That’s great more many situations, not so much when you’re looking to just chill out after a long day.

Say No to Smoke Shop and Gas Station Kratom

As a rule, just say no to kratom from smoke shops and gas stations. When you buy kratom from a display case in the local smoke shop, it’s next to impossible to know anything about it. What level of quality is it? Where was it sourced? How much sterilization and testing did the company that produces it apply to that batch? When you’re looking to buy kratom capsules or powder, buy that powder or those kratom capsules online from a reputable, trustworthy vendor that’s transparent about their testing, sterilization practices, quality level, and sourcing.

The Sourcing of Kratom Matters

As is the case with the level of testing, sterilization, and quality control, the sourcing of kratom definitely matters. For instance, the kratom that you want to take is going to be sourced from small farms rather than huge industrial fields. Smaller farms tend to make oversight and control of quality, strain, and leaf maturity easier. Virtually all cheap kratom tends to be from immature kratom plants. Find a vendor that sources mature leaves from a small farm, and you can bet that the quality is going to higher.

About Happy Hippo

Since being founded in 2013, the people at Happy Hippo have made it a mission to ensure that everyone has access to safe, pure, and always high-quality kratom. Their mission has been an unqualified success. In the past two years, the Happy Hippo headquarters has moved from a basement to their current office, complete with a warehouse and a processing and manufacturing laboratory accredited by the American Kratom Association (AKA). Happy Hippo’s success, however, hasn’t changed their commitment to sourcing only the finest kratom, exclusively from mature kratom trees grown on small Indonesian farms. All Happy Hippo kratom is also subject to a stringent sterilization process, plus thorough testing and retesting. Along with standing by the quality of their kratom, the Happy Hippo team is proud to enjoy it themselves. Whether you are looking for a strain like Green Malay, Red Maeng Da, White Bali, or any of the many other varieties available, whenever you buy kratom capsules or kratom powder, always be sure to get it from Puddles, the Happy Hippo!

Kick back, relax, and enhance your chill with the finest quality kratom on the planet from Happy Hippo, at


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