5 Common Questions About Kratom Answered

While the benefits of kratom have been recognized for centuries in its native countries, it’s only in the past couple of decades that it has become popular in the US. Since kratom is a growing industry, it’s natural that people have questions about it. If you’ve wondered what the difference is between a good White Bali or Green Malay kratom strain, or even what kratom is, read on for answers to some common questions.

Red Maeng Da Kratom

What Is Kratom?

For starters, the kratom you’ll encounter for sale is virtually always the dried, powdered leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa or kratom tree. The kratom tree is a tropical evergreen species native to Southeast Asia and related to the coffee family. Kratom has been used for centuries for its natural benefits.

What Does Kratom Do?

Kratom possesses a variety of benefits, which depend on the strain you select. People enjoy kratom for relaxation, increased energy, sleep support, relief of discomfort, and more. There are so many different kratom strains that you can easily customize a daily routine to fit not just how you feel that day, but how you feel in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Is There Really a Difference Between Strains?

Most definitely. The effects of kratom are determined according to strain and serving size. A knowledgeable kratom vendor will organize their kratom strains according to their “speed,” as either “slow,” “moderate,” or “fast,” based on their effect. If you were looking for a strain that provided an energy boost, you’d want a fast strain like a Red Maeng Da kratom. Those looking for relaxation, sleep support, or relief prefer slow strains. The moderate strains are a nice balance of the slow and fast.

Kratom’s Effects Can Be Based on Strain Color, Right?

This is a complex question, and one of the most common kratom misconceptions. For instance, many of those looking for a slow strain will opt for a high-quality Red Kratom, as red strains are generally known for being slower. However, Red Maeng Da kratom is one of the faster strains available. That’s why you need a knowledgeable vendor that categorizes their strains by effect.

Should I Pick up Kratom Today From a Smoke Shop?

While all of those benefits may sound intriguing enough that you’re tempted to run out to a local smoke shop and pick up some kratom immediately, you should resist that temptation. Kratom from smoke shops, and definitely from gas stations, is an unknown quantity. You never know what you’re going to get. Source your kratom from a safe, respected online vendor.

About Happy Hippo

Since the company’s founding in 2013, the Happy Hippo team has made it their mission to ensure everyone has access to kratom that is safe, pure, and of the highest quality. As a sign of this commitment, the American Kratom Association (AKA) recently accredited the Happy Hippo processing and manufacturing laboratory. However, the brand’s growth hasn’t changed its commitment to providing the finest kratom, sourced exclusively from mature kratom trees grown on small Indonesian farms. If the kratom came from Happy Hippo, you’ll know that it underwent a stringent sterilization process and thorough testing and re-testing. The Happy Hippo team stands by the quality of their products and is proud to enjoy it themselves. No matter what kind of strain you are looking for—Green Malay, Red Maeng Da, White Bali, or any of the many other varieties available—if you want to buy kratom capsules or kratom powder, get it from Puddles, the Happy Hippo!

Get the most out of your kratom by choosing the best kratom on the planet from Happy Hippo, at https://www.happyhippoherbals.com/


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